Sepucuk Surat Untukmu

Rabu, September 30, 2015

Hai kamu, apa kabar? Aku harap kamu baik-baik saja. Disini, aku mungkin tak seperti dugaanmu. Yang dapat tertawa ceria dengan lesung pipit yang sedikit demi sedikit timbul karna bentuk mukaku perlahan berubah.

A Note to Myself

Sabtu, September 26, 2015

Tanggal 26 September 2015, di kamar sendiri, sedang belajar.

Ada suatu masa dimana titik jenuhku berada. Jenuh untuk melakukan apapun. Hanya ingin berdiam diri sembari menatap langit-langit kamar yang sebelumnya telah ku hiasi dengan puluhan burung bangau.

Aku tahu aku tak sepantasnya jenuh. Tugas aku ada di dunia ini untuk belajar. Bukan hanya untuk diam dan merenung. Merenung tak akan membuatku sukses. Merenung terus menerus hanya menjadikan diriku ini sampah—yang kerjaannya hanya memenuhi bumi tanpa dapat berbuat apapun. Aku ini manusia, harus bisa menjadi produktif. Aku ini anak muda, harus bisa membangkitkan semangatku sendiri

Detik ini, aku menyadari satu hal. Belakangan ini, aku selalu bertanya-tanya “Mengapa banyak orang yang selalu galau?” “Mengapa banyak orang yang depresi di zaman yang apa-apa serba ada?”. Dan kini aku menemukan sedikit titik cerah untuk jawabannya. Aku merasa, bahwa terkadang aku terlalu banyak berpikir tanpa ada tindakan nyata, aku terlalu banyak merenungkan hal—dari yang penting sampe yang bahkan dipikirkan pun tak ada gunanya. Zaman sekarang, terlalu banyak manusia yang pola berpikirnya terlalu cepat—itu menurutku.

Pada intinya, aku harus tetap fokus dan harus menjadi manusia yang produktif. Jangan jadikan titik jenuh ini sebagai penghalang ku untuk maju terus ke depan. Pokoknya aku harus semangat! (:

-Teruntuk diriku yang sedang suntuk—aku harus bisa bertahan!-

Akhir Yang Menggantung

Senin, September 21, 2015

Bodohnya aku, masih dapat terperangkap dalam cintamu
Cinta yang bahkan tak pernah memiliki jawaban

Betapa lalainya aku, masih dapat terbuai oleh senyumanmu
Senyum yang bahkan tidak diperuntukkan padaku lagi

Logika ini tak dapat berpikir jernih
Bahkan sekedar menghitung satu ditambah satupun aku tak tahu

Mengapa harapan ini tak pernah putus…?

Aku baru saja melihatnya, melihat kebenaran yang selama ini telah ku curigai—dan kini kau telah mengungkapkannya. Seharusnya aku lega dengan semua ini. Tetapi… mengapa hanya sesak yang terasa? Melihatmu bersama orang lain membuat jantungku serasa berhenti berdetak….

1 Kata Untuk Hari Ini: Cinta

Jumat, Juni 26, 2015

Cinta itu sebenarnya tidak buta
Cinta itu tau mana yang baik mana yang buruk
Hanya saja yang buruk dia diamkan
Sampai akhirnya dia menyesal

Ya, cinta itu memang tidak buta. Namun bagaimana pandanganku tak dapat teralihkan, konsentrasiku serta pendengaranku hilang, juga hati ini serasa berbunga-bunga jika aku melihatmu? Bagaimana bisa kau berkata bahwa cinta itu tidak buta jika setiap kali kau berbicara rasanya hati sesak, sesak akan kehangatan yang secara tak langsung kau berikan padaku. Teori radiasi akan terbantahkan dengan cinta, teori gravitasi akan hilang karena cinta, dan baik atau buruk pun tak akan bisa dibedakan karena cinta.

Cinta itu tak pernah memandang mana yang baik dan mana yang buruk. Semua hal dimata cinta itu sama. Cinta itu memabukkan. Mungkin hati terlalu berat untuk mengartikan kata cinta. Karna cinta hanyalah cinta. 1 kata hampa penuh dengan perasaan.


Tak ada bintang yang menyinari malam ini. Sunyi sepi, hanya angin yang berhembus kencang menerpa wajahku. Aku tahu ini semua salahku, sejak awal memang aku yang telah mengacaukan kita—ya, kita.

Kita yang dahulu selalu bersama, melewati segalanya hanya berdua—hingga aku sadar bahwa kini hanya ada aku sendiri disini. Dan kau… ya, kau telah menemukan dia.

Kenyataan bahwa dia-mu telah ditemukan membuatku terbang hingga menuju lapisan troposfer—yang mengakibatkan sesaknya dadaku setiap detiknya hanya karena kenyataan pahit yang tak akan dapat aku terima hingga saat ini.

Dahulu, kau adalah tamengku dalam perang melawan kerasnya arus dunia. Dahulu, kau adalah bintang dalam bulanku, lautan dalam bumiku, tiang dalam rumahku, pelengkap bagi hari-hariku.

Entahlah, aku tak tahu bagaimana cara menutupi semua perasaanku ini, aku bukanlah aktris yang jago berpura-pura—pun pemain drama. Aku hanyalah manusia biasa yang sedang berusaha mencari jati diri.

Biography of Father Part

Rabu, Mei 20, 2015

I was sitting in the library, while I’m listening to the teacher. I had English lesson at that time. The teacher asked me to make a biography of parents: whether about mother or father. Then, I think it’s better to make a biography about father.

I really confused at that time, I don’t know what to write. I was trying to find examples of biography text on the Internet, but I thought it would be boring if I write like that. Then, I asked the teacher how to make a good biography text—but the result is still same. Then, I decided to call my father and tell about my problem.

“Do you want to hear my story? I just don’t know how to solve the problem, but maybe it may help.” Said my dad after I finished telling the problem.
“I want I want! What do you want to tell me about, dad?” I said enthusiastically. I always curious with my dad’s story, it always making me imagine how hard my dad’s life is, but it’s really fun though.
“It’s about my life story. You haven’t known my life story, have you? Maybe if you write this for your article or biography, it can be interesting enough.”
“Okay, what is it?”
“So, I was born in Cilacap[1], 26 of June 1968. I’m the 3rd child and I have one older sister, one older brother, and also one younger brother. You’ve known that, right? When I was still 6 months, I moved to Kebumen[2]. I moved to my grandfather, but you call him “buyut”. I moved to my hometown from 3 until 6, then moved back to Kebumen and got my primary school. I studied for only 1 year, then I moved to Kalipucang[3]. I paused studying for 1 year to help my uncle take care of goats.”
“Wow, that was so interesting.”
“Yes, it was. Unfortunately at that time, my uncle was so strict. Whenever I do a mistake, he will go with his wood to my body. It hurts, a lot. But it makes me do everything very carefully.”
“wuuu, it makes me scared now. Let’s continue!”
“After 1 year taking care of goats, I went back to Kebumen, in one of a public school there. I start from the first grader. It continues until 3 years, then I moved to a MI[4], it’s the name for Islamic school at that time. The name of the school is MI Giwangretno… hey, why are you yawning?”
“Dad, I want to sleep. It’s 9.30. I have to collect my handphone now. I really want to hear the story until the end, can we continue it tomorrow?”
“I think I’ll be busy. I’m not sure.”
“Pleaseeeee, I really want to finish my the story, I just confused.”
“Hahaha, I’m just kidding. Anything for you dear…. Don’t worry I’ll call you tomorrow okay? Take care, bye.”
“Okay dad, bye.”

Because it’s late already, so I decided to collect my phone to the supervisor and sleep.


I wake up at 4.30 and pray subooh in the masjid. After that, I’m preparing for going to school and waiting for my roommate to finish cleaning. While I’m waiting, I’m trying to find pictures of my dad, it’s not really old picts but I love it though.
After school, I call my dad and ask him to continue the story

“Wow, you’re really serious when you said you want to know sequel."
“Of course dad, I’m very curious and I have to finish the article also.”
“Okay, do you still remember the last part I told you yesterday? What is it about?”
“The part when you moved to MI, dad.”
“Ooh okay. I’m in a MI until graduated from primary. After that, I moved school to MTs[5] Sruweng, it’s still in Kebumen.”
“Wait dad, you ever said to me that your dad past away when you were in 2nd grader, is it true?”
“Oh, I almost forget that part. Yes, it’s true that my dad past away when I was in 2nd grader. I was in Kebumen at that time, so I went to Cilacap to attend his funeral.”
“That was so sad. Okay, continue the story then.”
“When I was in middle school, I have 2 part-time jobs which are making bricks and being a newspaper man named “Warta NU”. After graduated from in middle school, I paused for 1 year because I don’t have enough money to pay, I also moved back to Cilacap.”
“You still have to pay for school? I think it’s for free.”
“No actually. Because I’m always in the 1st rank, I only have to pay what I have in my pocket. It’s actually forbidden, but since I want to learn, the school still gives me permission. “
“Ooh I see.”
“So, let’s continue the story! When I paused, I learnt all about electricity, and decided to make a little business for fixing electronic things like TV, Radio, or even car. After one year, I’m back to Kebumen and went to SMU[6] Binakarya. At that time, SMU is still in one level with senior high school, the difference is you have been majored. I took electricity major, which is I have to struggle with physic, mostly.
I graduated in 1991 and moved to Cilacap. I only graduated until senior high school. After graduated, I work in Pertamina[7] as a contractor. I worked in pertamina for 3 years, then I moved to Pondok Ungu[8], I still work as a contractor in a steel construction taking part in sandblasting and painting. Still in steel Construction Company, the leader asked me to move to Pasar Rebo and did the job there.  After quitting from steel Construction Company, I moved to Gunung Putri and worked in a cement company named Holcim, you know the location right?”
“It’s near the house, isn’t it?”
“Yes, that’s right dear. I worked there for 3 years[9].”
“Dad, you’re 29 already. When do you get married?”
“Wait Put, I’m about to explain that.”
“hehehe, sorry dad.”
“I met your mother when I worked in Holcim, she’s my neighbour. Known her for 2 years, I decided to married her. In 17th October 1997, I’m officially married. Sadly, I have to leave her and also the guest because I have to go to Lampung right after the solemnization of the marriage finished.”
“Astaghfirullah how come?”
“I just an officer at that time, not the leader. I just follow what the leader instructs me. I also need money for the after-married-life. What can I do at that time? “
“yeah, you’re right dad.”
“2 years after married, you were born[10]. We still live in a rent house[11]. Then we decided to make a house step by step since your brother was born[12], that was in 2003. At 205, I tried to make a construction company named GPP.”
“Do you still remember the date you officially open GPP?”
“Of course, the date is 5th of May 2005, good date, isn’t it?”
“Yes, it’s like… a lucky number.”
“yep right. I’m just hoping by choosing the right opening number, it’ll bring success.”
“What else that you want to know about me?”
“I think if I only mention those thing that you’ve said, it’ll be boring. Also, I have to write at least one unforgettable moment in your life.”
“Maybe you can make the biography in different way. You don’t have to make an article, have you? Just make it interesting by the way you tell it. You can make a diary, right? It can be one of the way making a biography.”
“You’re right, dad. Wait, one more. Could you please tell me one of unforgettable moment? You tell me so many things, so I think it’s better if you decide one of the best.
“Hmmm… I think I’m going to tell you another story.”
“What is it, dad?”
“When I was in middle school, I sometimes don’t understand the lesson that taught by the teacher. So, I decided to find a tutor for teach me the lesson that I don’t understand. Unfortunately, I don’t have enough money to pay the teacher, so I have to find a free course. Long time ago, motorcycle and car is still hard to buy, because it was very expensive. I only have a bicycle from my dad to be used, and the distance between my house and the free course is so far. I went there by bicycle. The route is Cilacap-Kebumen-Yogyakarta[13]. It takes too long time and need more effort. I got an idea to bring a rope and tight the rope into a truck right in front of me. Don’t try this at home okay? Hehehe.”
“Of course I won’t.”
“ There’s this time when the driver of the truck already remember me because he cross the was often, maybe he ever saw my face and remember what I did. I forget his face, so I tight the rope to his truck without knowing anything. Then, the drivers suddenly fasten the truck and didn’t cross the way “well”. I didn’t know what to do at that time, but 1 thing that I know is that I’m going to fall down.”
“Did you fell?” I gasped.
“Of course. Fortunately, the rice field was still right beside the road. So I decided to fell to the rice field. Maybe if I fell on the road, I’m going to die.”
“Innalillahi… that was so scary, like—seriously, that’s I can’t imagine if I was in your situation.”
“yes, it was so scary.”
“I think it’s enough. I got something to do. I’ll call you later okay?”
“Okay dad, bye.”

To be continued….

[1] Central Java, Indonesia
[2] Central java, Indonesia
[3] Pangandaran, West java, Indonesia
[4] Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
[5] Madrasah Tsanawiyah
[6] Sekolah Menengah  Umum
[7] Indonesian’s oil company
[8] Bekasi, West Java
[9] 1994-1997
[10] 3rd March 1999
[11] Apartment (English version). It’s a house which is paid monthly.”
[12] 7 December 2003
[13] A province exactly beside West java. The route is approximately 60km.

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