Water Cleaning Project

Rabu, Februari 26, 2014

FAPIPS Water Cleaning Organization from Al-Taqwa College Indonesia would like to introduce our plan

Program: Water Cleaning

Name of organization: FAPIPS water cleaning

Slogan: Air bersih, kita senang.

Aim: We want to help the people who live nearby the Citarum river get clean water.

Location: Citarum River, Bekasi, Indonesia

How to reach there: Voluntary transportation with the help of google map.

Reason: The people of Citarum are lacking of clean water.

Problem: Citarum river is covered in rubbish so that no clean water can be obtain.

Solution: Clean the river from the rubbish.

  • 1.       Persuade the society to cooperate by stop littering.
  • 2.       Pick up all the rubbish in the river in order to clean it.
  • 3.       Cooperate with a company in Citeureup to recycle the rubbish.
  • 4.       Get a sponsor.
  • 5.       Cooperate with the government to support our program.
((FAPIPS stands for Fatimah, Angela, Putri, Indah, Prstina, Shoffa. These are the main members.)

7 Suggestions For Pak Rhoma Irama

Senin, Februari 17, 2014


     Firstly, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Putri Kusuma Wakhdani (Putri). I'm currently 14 years old. I'm a student of Al-taqwa College Indonesia, Bogor. So, I'm writing a letter for you to complete my English task and I also want to give some suggestion that may be useful if you be a president, amin. And I'll go to the topic. These are 7 of so many lists that should you do if you be a president.

     1.  You must make the people in Indonesia as the first priority
As a president, other people is the first priority. You have to make sure that all of the people are in a good condition. I mean, no poverty, they're have a good education, etc. You can do "blusukan" (an action which a person/ leader go to the places when problems happen) just like what some leaders do. So, you'll know and you'll see with your eyes and you know how to solve it.
     2. You should master your position
For example, you take a degree of politic or you can learn about politic by yourself. So later, when you already be a president (amin), you can understand and solve this country's problem diplomaticly and with a good finishing, this country will be better in the future.
     3.  Make new rules without get rid of pancasila and UUD 1945
Make ideas that you sure will be followed, find the ideas how to promote the rules and make the society interesting. But don't forget to make a mitigations for your rules. So people won't feel threatened by the rules.

This is one of the cause of poverty in Indonesia. Without you exterminate corruption, this country WON'T have any progress. So to make this Indonesia better, you have to exterminate the corruption, give the money to the people that need it and this country will be better.

     5. Do more talk less
You don't have to promise too many things. What you have to do if you're a president is do. Do as many good things as you can. Show the people that you're not just a singer but you also can be a politician. You can lead this country. Show them what should a president do.

     6. Start from yourself
So what I suggest is you have to do all of the rules that this country has made from yourself from the smallest thing. For example like you have to throw the rubbish in a proper place. So later when the people see you obey the rule, they will think that the leader is following the rule, so I have to do it too. And you will see the benefit which is this country will be cleaner and it will be benefit for the country too.

     7. Finish all of the things properly
Don't waste country's money. For example Wisma Athlete in Hambalang, is an unfinished project and it has waste around one billion or even more. So, it's better to finish the project using country's money because there are so many benefit if the project has finished. And it can returned or even get some profit (for the country) from the building. It also can make people more diligent to do sport because it has good facilitation.

I think that's all from me, thank you for reading this letter and hopefully it will inspire you and insha Allah Indonesia will be a better country in the future, amin. Sorry if there are some wrong words or statement.

 Wassalamualaikum wr.wb
 Warm regards,

Putri Kusuma Wakhdani



Kamis, Februari 13, 2014


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